Release 6.17.7
• Added a fully automatic routine for updates without the need for user intervention and with status notifications on the Windows 10/11 desktop. This new routine does not perform a BOOT in the computer, unless strictly necessary, according to and commanded by the MS-Windows. In these cases, all opened applications will be restored after the boot.
• The automated updating routine does not execute while PDFBUNDLE is in use. In those cases, a notification will be sent to the user's awareness about a new version.
• Added a routine that prevents protections and restrictions in PDF/A documents as regulated by ISO-19005/3, with friendly messages and automatic processes for this compliance.
• Several libraries were updated for security reasons (CVE compliance).

• Fixed a failure to issue an alert message when the user changed the DEFAULT certificate.
• Fixed a generation fault related to missing signature data when the user tested a protected and signed PDF 1.4 file in the PROTECT tab without any call/test in the SIGN tab.
• Fixed a fault that, on some occasions, prevented password protection during processing recovery.
Release 6.16.6
• The search of files for METADATA now is case-insensitive, for whenever the METADATA file has filenames in different case..
• Minor changes on some messages and topic names..
• LiveUpdate now is not automatic to avoid an Windows undesirable BOOT..

• Fixed the PASSWORD checkbox disable-event, now cleaning older passwords previously informed.
• Fixed the error on writing, into "PROBLEMS.TXT," an exception due to a file having fewer pages than the total signatures configured in SETTINGS.
• Auto-Recover now refresh its listing "by session". You do not need anymore to LOAD again your settings to force this refresh.
• Fixed a problem related to the FILENAME field of METADATA XLSX/XLS files containing a formula instead raw text whenever the pathname was not informed.
• Fixed an inconstant problem related to the default extension ("None") that sometimes raised an error PATH2, blocking the execution of the bundle.
• The METADATA info button was being disabled together with the METADATA checkbox. Now it is always enabled.
• Fixed an exception whenever the METADATA file was not found according to the schema.
Release 6.15.268
• Enhanced the speed of QRCode signatures, now 25% faster than before.
• Enhanced the SAAS schema to handle the pages accounting 30% faster than before.
• LiveUpdate now deletes its log file whenever it reaches 500kb to save space on disk.

• Fixed the PASSWORD checkbox disable-event, now cleaning older passwords previously informed.
• Fixed an exception whenever the METADATA file was not found according to the schema.
Release 6.15.257
• Minor update due to some Microsoft upgrades.

• none.
Release 6.15.256
• Implemented a time-control in SETUP, allowing users to change the elapsed time for the status event.
• Enhanced by 5% the general performance (we now reach 95% of the hardware performance).
• Optimized the writing schema to the WARNINGS and PROBLEMS reports.
• Added a message about non-CONFORMANCE if using many signatures on the same PDF.
• Changed the QR-Code size to make recognition easier in mobile apps..
• Changed the layout of the QRCode-based signatures to make them compatible with more QR-readers.

• Fixed a problem of "invalid signature" on OCR documents with several LTV signatures.
• Fixed a layout problem with the text of the signatures when the document has several ones.
• Roboto font is now registered on Windows.
• Fixed a problem with the "TEST SIGNATURE" procedure, and with a wrong requirement of metadata file, when CONFORMANCE was disabled but with the METADATA field set.
Release 6.15.240
• Enhanced the CONFORMANCE routine with the following add-ins:
- Enhanced the OCR-documents handling.
- Added special characters sets in Korean, Chinese, Japanese to avoid UTF-8 issues on glyphs.
- Added a routine to handle invisible glyphs to avoid Preflight errors.
- Added a routine to fix some weird characters found on OCR documents.
- Added a routine to embed fonts sets.
- Added a routine to change non-existent fonts in document.
- Added a routine to handle special "on-char" glyphs.
- Added a routine to make PDF/A-3B documents compatible with visible digital signatures.

• PDFBUNDLE certificates are now LTV enabled.
Release 6.15
• Full new initial release

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