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Click on the PROCESS button.


Check the PROTECT box to access all documents protecting options in the top menu bar.

Once you had selected "PROTECT" in the menubar, you'll get the available options:



1.USER PERMISSIONS: you can select some permissions to PDF documents processed by PDFBUNDLE, as explained below:


a.PRINT: whether checked, users can print the PDF document in low-resolution mode. If unchecked, print will not be allowed.


b.HI-QUALITY PRINT: users can print the PDF document in higher resolution modes. If unchecked, hi-resolution print will not be allowed.


c.EXPIRATION DATE: use this option to prohibit the document from being opened after the set date. If unchecked, no date restriction will be implemented. Warning: This control is Javascript-based and can be bypassed by expert people - use it as a kind of recommendation, not as unbreakable protection.


2.ALGORITHMS: every protected PDF file is an encrypted file. Here you can choose the best algorithm for your needs, but remember that each algorithm has a particular scheme, which can affect both the security and the speed of the encryption of files. For example, RCA-40bits is the faster algorithm (less secure), and AES-256 Rev.6 is the slowest (most secure). Try to get a balance considering the criticality of the PDF content.


3.ACCESS PASSWORD: independent of being encrypted, PDF files may be also password-protected. PDFBUNDLE offers three types of schemes to best fit your company needs:


a.PASSWORD BY EVENT: this option allows the operator to define a temporary password for all files in the bundle. This password will not be saved.


b.UNIQUE PASSWORD: in this case, the password is written in the settings-file. This way, the "settings template" will contain that defined password.


c.INDIVIDUAL PASSWORDS: use this option to set exclusive passwords for each file of any bundle (custom passwords per file).



4.MASTER PASSWORD: If informed, this OPTIONAL password drops any restriction set in the USER PERMISSIONS group and will allow him to bypass any other defined password.